Avoid talking during your eye injection, studies show
Studies have shown that simply talking during your eye injection procedure greatly increases the risk of some eye infections, . . .
Studies have shown that simply talking during your eye injection procedure greatly increases the risk of some eye infections, . . .
Lucentis eye injection for macular degeneration and other eye diseases Lucentis is used to treat age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic . . .
Fluorescein angiography, also called a fluorescein angiogram (fluorescein - the type of dye that is used; angiogram - a . . .
Newly released results from the Lucentis treatment studies show just how successful the macular degeneration drug is. The latest, two-year . . .
Anti VEGF drugs can now benefit diabetic retinopathy patients. Studies are complete. There have been several clinical studies evaluating the . . .
This popular eye injection treatment for macular degeneration has proven to be more effective than laser for diabetic eye disease . . .